Archive for July 28th, 2011

Dear Lord and the Baby, it’s been a long time…

Good Lord it’s almost been a year since my last post…

My many apologies! We left off somewhere last fall. I can’t believe the R.I.P. iPod was my last post. What a sad note to leave on. Someone must’ve been eating my porridge or some other candy ass shenanigans. Lots and nots has changed since then.

Well, for starters I finished my Master’s degree. Hurray! My sis got engaged. I moved back in with the rents. After a few months of looking, I found a job. A good one. If I had to customize a job for myself, I probably wouldn’t be able to come closer if I tried. (Besides riding afghans around all day, of course.) Wohoo! I hung up my bartending shoes and became a working girl again!

It was quite a busy first and second quarter for sure. So eventful, that I barely had time to post. Or post at all. Who am I kidding? The excitement, of course, has spilled into the summer. Between the new job, cradle robbing and apartment searching there hasn’t been a spare minute. I promise that fall will paint a very different picture.

For example I will quit smoking September 1st. Yeah, ’cause I’m still doing that.

You know what else I learned in 2010? I apparently am a welsher. See how the creamed onion debacle went down below:

I actually tried 4 more times. Couldn’t get those nasty suckers down the hatch. They are like giant explosive fish-eggs that have been sitting in dirty dish water for a days under a hot sun. (No offense, Dearest of Aunties —aka the best cook ever.)

More to come, and more frequently. I promise.

July 2011

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