2013: Something New?

So yeah – 2010 was a great attempt. 2011 and 2012… forgeddaboutit!

Wow. I can’t believe that is 2013 and I am back to the drawing board at kicking the habit. Where have the years gone? And how had I been so successful in back in the early months of 2010 to be back at the whole “Set a date” step today.

That Summer of 2010 sure was fun. Fun enough to throw caution to the wayside and just quit quitting… I blame Pearl Jam and the Summer of “F & UN” but really it was me who dropped the ball.

2011 was crazy. I scored my first big job and finally got back into an apartment of my own. You would think that this would have been perfect timing to start a new routine. Especially as a new friend – THE GIANT POSSUM – that sat outside my door made it’s first appearance. I mean smoking is gross and addictive, but adding the fact that A GIANT VERMIN is perched in your smoking lounge should be enough to get anyone hyped up to quit. I apparently am hard-core committed to this filthy habit.

So I set the date in 2012 with every intent of making the effort. Three things happened early on that really allowed me to shirk my efforts in regards to smoking cessation:

  1. I had a big meeting to facilitate at work the week after my 2012 quit date. My ex-smoker boss (suggested) that this might not be the right time to quit.
  2. My sister was getting married in July – As maid of honor I had quite a full plate of duties that didn’t really allow me to focus on the whole healthy lifestyle that I need in place to successfully quit.
  3. My best friend’s mom – who is an astrologist, pulled out her ephemeris and said, “Honey this is not the year for that”.

Needless to say, she was right. This year was incredibly full, personally and professionally. It was great – my sister’s wedding was beautiful and my first full year on the job was incredibly successful. However, there were several stressful moments along the way that would have only been harder a) not smoking or worse b) losing my shit and smoking and the upset that would have followed. So yeah – among a few other things 2012 was not the year for me to jump the smoking train.

That being said, this is the first full year of working that I have used every single personal day because I have actually been sick. And by sick I don’t mean hung-over. I mean sick as all get out. I know stress can have a crazy effect on you, but I can’t help but think that if I had stuck with it back in 2010 I would have spent those personal days getting pedicures or nursing a maja Sunday brunch hang-over instead of actually being sick. My sister always told me that once you turn 30, your body changes and you begin to feel it – so maybe for me it was 33.

At any rate – enough. I’m pretty certain that I am the last of friends my age that is actually a full time smoker. Most quit when they got pregnant others when their job required them to. If they can do it – so can I. It’s a waste of time, money and just plain breaths. For more information on why smoking esses a d click here.

I am a little nervous though: How many times have I made that sweep declaration to join the world as a non-smoker??? I started this blog way back when because publicizing your goals holds you accountable. I have publicly failed and lived through it. Is this blog really going to hold me accountable? Are these reports and idle threat? Should I tweet my goals? Facebook them? God forbid share this blog (which speaks pretty candidly about several other scandalous escapades) on my social networks?

So yeah the new date: January 28th, 2013. The Monday after my big annual meeting and a week before my first niece is due. That’s 28 days kids – let’s get planning.

1 Response to “2013: Something New?”

  1. 1 Kelly January 2, 2013 at 6:35 pm

    You can do it! I know you can! You are a very driven person. Set it like a sales goal. You got this! I believe in you!

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January 2013

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